Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another Year

Well, it has definitely been awhile since I have shared with you; but trust me it doesn't mean life stopped for me. Change and transformation is a continuous process which I am so learning to embrace in every area of my life. It's quite refreshing to consider change as a good thing when in fact it could bring the opposite result. I have been in the process of reassessing my beliefs and letting go of those beliefs that have not allowed me to propel into the fullness of who I really am...Although this is quite frustrating at times, I have found strength in meditating on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of a good report. Renewing my mind has been challenging but the results thus far, are so rewarding. Peace of heart and mind is a priceless jewel I wish for you too, to experience. So let me encourage you to begin the journey of discovery of who U really are. You are what you think and You have what you say. Change your thinking and it will change your speaking. If you are wondering just how you are able to renew your mind, here is an activity a visiting Pastor shared with me: I want you to count to 10 out loud..1- 2- 3- Now say Thank you Jesus, Hallelujah, Lord I praise you... Now what happened to the numbers. THEY STOPPED, ONCE YOU TOOK YOUR MIND OFF THEM AND BEGAN TO GIVE PRAISE YOU NO LONGER THOUGHT ABOUT THE NUMBERS!! Simple enough; It was a light bulb moment for me! At any given time we have the ability to change our negative and doubtful thoughts into positive and faithful thoughts, just by offering praise in the mist of a difficult situation. Praise for the Good that made you Blessed, Praise for the Bad that made you Better and Stronger and Praise for the Ugly that is still keeping you praying.

On the Journey......Until next time, Be Blessed and Walk by Faith

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