Friday, March 29, 2013


It's been a long time since I've taken the time to share a little encouragement.  When something is promised to you, you look forward to gaining the results of that promise. The same principles works with the Word of God, which is filled with over 7,000 promises for us to have. So why aren't we experiencing more than what we have. There may be many answers, but I think it's because we don't use Vision. How often have you heard a successful person say that they saw themselves doing whatever it is they are doing before it happened. Maybe not to the degree of their success, but they had vision to see themselves doing something positive and effective before they took the first step towards their goal. Visualizing is a part of faith that helps you see yourself as you want to be, not as you are. We weren't taught in school to visual and see an act out before following through; therefore, this is a skill that we have to cultivate and implement with Faith and Patience. If you desire to be a writer, see yourself at book signings, traveling, encouraging and inspiring upcoming writers on how to begin a career as a writer.  Once you are able to visualize your future as God has detailed in His Word, it won't be long until the choices you make leads you towards the future you've seen.  Remember, you must also speak and meditate on God's Word concerning your life, and together with Vision and God's Word, Success and the manifestation of His Promises will become evident in your lives. Go and begin to see yourself Above and not beneath. First and not last, in all you do.

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