Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We all want to be loved by someone or something. The problem is, we want it on our own terms. Unfortunately, we end up hurting the one we love or not even experiencing true love. The true love that I am referring to is the unconditional love of God. The bible says in Romans 5:8, that while we were yet sinners he loved us! That's amazing to know. So while we were hating, cursing, lying, stealing, cheating and being selfish towards God, He still found it in His heart to love us back to himself. He saw us for who we would become, not for who we were at that time. We too must show others kindness and love for we all have sinned. So find someone to show love to today and may it fill your hearts with so much joy and appreciation that each day becomes more and more gracious as you fill other lives with love.

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